A New BUS Station for GUILDFORD

New Bus Station Proposal

The new bus station is proposed to include:

Following consultation with SCC, GBC and listening to the views of the community St Edward has agreed to introduce a southern entrance to the bus station whilst retaining the North in, North Out arrangement.

This also introduces a new bus stand to help improve capacity.

St Edward is also happy to commit to the delivery of a new indoor waiting room, public toilets, including an accessible toilet and the refurbishment of the bus operators facilities.

The glass barriers prohibiting the safe access and egress from busses for wheelchair, mobility scooter and push chairs have also now been removed to ensure accessibility is maximised.


The Existing Bus Station

Our transport and highways experts Iceni have undertaken detailed modelling studies and analysis, with the findings concluding:

Highways Impact:

  • Redistribution of traffic has a negligible impact on existing junctions
  • No further off-site mitigation is required

Bus Journey Times:

The revised highways layouts will improve bus journey times overall by an average of 14 seconds:

  • 60% of services (32 services) will see an improvement to their journey times
  • 37% (21 services) will see no change or a negligible change to their journey times and
  • 2% (1 service) will see their journey times increase

Bus Capacity:

  • The revised designs will provide an additional bay to the refused scheme
  • It is proposed that the park and ride will now terminate at the North Street Library stop, further freeing up capacity for future growth
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