North Street Narrow Plots

  • Echoes the fine historic grain of the street. Elevation is articulated as two pieces
  • The use of a clad setback storey on the western element expresses it as a smaller element that steps down towards the Listed Building
  • The red, white and pink/brown bricks sit comfortably in the palette of bricks and white painted ground floors as seen on North Street.

Woodbridge Road Narrow Plot

  • Shares a language with that on North Street.
  • Restrained and ordered facade sits above the colourful and detailed commercial ground floor.
  • The chamfer is again used as a device to leadpedestrians into the Dial and along Astor Lane.
  • The green clad set back storey reduces the impression of height from the street, and adds variety to the roofscape when viewed from above.

North Street Placemaker

  • Fronting onto the new public square, the North Street Placemaker is a finely detailed building that acts as a natural extension of the public space it fronts.
  • The colonnade on the south and west facades provides sheltered outdoor seating for the commercial ground floor unit
  • Regular arrangement of windows and soldier course brick detailing takes cues from ordered Georgian facades as seen on North Street

Silhouette 1

  • To the west, the facades of the silhouettes closelybreference the warehouses that front the river.
  • They are articulated as narrow vertical red brick elements.
  • Use of grey metal, balconies with mesh and tie-backs (orsimilar), and blue brick emphasises the industrial feel.
  • Steps in the massing and set-backs on both elements address long views, providing variation and articulation that can be seen from the west.

Silhouette 2

  • Silhouettes that face Woodbridge road are articulatedin a similar fashion to read as two slender vertical elements.
  • Use of extruded brick frame and the change of brick tones adds depth to the façade.
  • Pop-out ground floor commercial units tighten Woodbridge Road and provide terraces for residential units above.


  • Simple link buildings are used to visually separate the distinct west facing elements of the Silhouette buildings.
  • Detailing is focussed at the ground floor, where apartments and commercial units are located. Above white render is used.
  • Arched openings with red glazed brick (or similar) reveals signal entrances to residential gardens, echoing the arched entrances to ginnels seen throughout Guildford.

Gateway 1

  • The language of the most southerly Gateway references the lower buildings to the north of the site. Dental brick detail is used in a contemporary fashion by using tonally related bricks.
  • Simple and well ordered elevations allow the brick detailing and ground floor detailing to focus the eye.
  • The Green Arch acts as a special public realm element, aiding wayfinding and marking the key new east/ west route at Leapale Road.

Gateway 2

  • Taking cues from the Telephone Exchange Building on Leapale Road the Gateway is red brick with white banding and white brick stripe detail. Alternate brick stripe and soldier course headers are used to group windows horizontally.
  • The base and top are treated differently, expressed as so as to create an order to the elevation.
  • Projecting balconies add depth to the elevations and provide some solar shading.

Dial Building - Placemaker

  • Situated at the heart of the site, the vibrant Dial Building punctuates the journey through the site.
  • The bold teal coloured base references the use of patinated copper as seen throughout Guildford
  • The use of varied textures, within a limited palette of materials celebrates the south facing facade that faces the square.

Northern Placemaker

  • Following the refusal the Marker building has been reduced to 11 storeys
  • The revised architecture takes inspiration from the Friary Meux building which ones stood on the site with a framed top of the building and lettering
  • The new redbrick sits as part of a family of buildings rather than a separate marker building ensuring it blends in with its surroundings
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